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Ms. Emily Shu
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Added May 06, 2021
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working record now I'm going to play free welcome everybody my name is Emily Sue and I'm the principal of Bronx Envision Academy I'm very excited that we have our guidance here with us I'll let them introduce themselves hi my name is Gina Marie Jones I am the director of College counseling and I work for an organization called student leadership Network animal on a chain 11th and Fall Creek hi I'm not going to let Suarez I am the night and we're really excited to be able to share some information about just how high school Works in terms of graduation requirements and also looking really specifically at Regents exam waivers because that's something that is part of this pandemic and we want to make sure that everybody understands how the waivers are working hola buen DIA entusiasmada April 2nd so in high school we need to make sure that we are picking up credits so we can relate credits and we also need exams and those are the requirements for a Regents diploma about the minimum but I want folks remember that we're never aiming for the minimum we're going to be aiming for much higher but we have 44 specific credits that we need and 5 Regents exams for I must have really loved it. so the way those credits work is that at Bronx Envision Academy are students earn credits each semester so in February and in June and a normal course load is about 7 1/2 credits because to use a credit or 15 credits a year so that means that were again far beyond the minimum and most students are going to graduate from DEA around 60 credits La Casitas De Gracia meaning go ahead sorry yes I do have to be on Thursday now there are five Regents exams that are required for graduation but because of the pandemic we haven't had Regents exams in a little while this semester we do have them but there are some Protections in place so that means that instead of taking the exam any student who passes the courses that weed up to that exam they passed that course then they will get a waiver for the exam they don't need to take it to graduate something quick family day at 9:15 Blackstone audio spider like salmon so I'm going to colleges are going to look at students overall transcripts in applications they want to know besides having with gray what else have you done outside of the classroom this important for the student to set goals and aim high such as AP classes and seeking the specialized endorsed diploma but against assistant leonte necesita it that has Minnie Mouse and Locust ominous Brando's bar alarm Ashley this is what all students should have to be better prepared for college students must continue to challenge themselves to all senior year the goal is to go above and beyond then what is the minimum required we do not the men trying to graduate high school in 3 years because the most because most four-year colleges on unable to accept you but again this is Beyonce's. But if I don't know but I see that it's important that Sarita Mondo glasses it's at Bianca's Toronto to ammonia in 10th and University that has Next bike this is a the Bronx Envision website where you are able to see if you have a college readiness checklist we on the college on the main page is the college section on the college readiness check this you're able to see how to best prepare your child or each grade and I'll give you all the details and what a student needs to do in a see-through the Bronx Envision and internet what is it is necessario para que no es cada ano next one so now we're going to talk a little bit about minimum graduation requirements to earn high school diploma so the state is very specific about the 44 credits are required for each subject area they have specific requirements we need for English credits for each student 8-core free credits which is broken down into four Global Credit to US history and Government Credit 6 science credits with a science credit students must turn to life science biology based science courses to physical sciences the courses we would offer for that or chemistry environmental science earth science and forensics and then two additional signs for switch to be any they can have a maximum of dance which is basically a math class what are higher level than typically statistics geometry calculus like I said anything about education credits physical education is typically offer credit per semester which means that they need to pass their physical education classes every semester. I'll send you a one house credit which way should offer as an advisory class in the 10th grade Arts credits Arts credits can be any type of music and students can certainly have one one music and you know whatever combination of those things they want they also need to World language for low credit stands for languages other than English we currently offer Spanish as our foreign language students are also required to have 7 elective credits an elective credits can be any credits that are not used for a different kind of me so for example of a student takes additional math courses are science classes art classes above the minimum required 6 credits or two credits they can use any of those in addition students are typically required to pass by Regents exams English math science 1 history and one additional exam and there are some different options additional exam the history of either US history or global history for the additional exam you can pass the other History exam Global where you can substitute our load exam languages other than another subject of math or science so we have a lot of flexibility in terms of Peggy Zito's de grabacion what is Aquatica Pacifico quick salmon in English face craters sentence la vida yes yes come over around 6 or I want a Minnie Mouse. Advance Auto Parts Quattro crate OTC College creditos De Salud I don't know where they're sending my cat my people so are we going to go through what are regular or sequences for typical schedules for each grade so start with 9th grade I'm in the ninth grade students take English 1 and 2 global history 1 and 2 living environment 1 and 2 which will be there life science Algebra 1 into physical education 1 into an advisory one you're also also offered a number of elective choices are current offerings for ninth grade electives Lobster introductory art dance music theater Fitness Spanish English new language and literacy Columbus Ohio alignment is Ocasio physical Illinois road advisory in Las Las Cruces electric violin music you're nacio en espanol in English in the 10th grade of the typical sequence of courses or English 3 and 4 global history 3 and 4 earth science 1 and 2 students are also given the option to take 80 or advanced placement college level environmental science which is a double. Class and then from other Geometry 1 and 2 algebra before they take physical education 3 and 4 and advisory 3 and 4 which is the house for elective classes that are offered the option of taking introductory and intermediate art dance music theater has Spanish English as a new language literacy and Global Studies and this evening English racing Quattro play A Penny on the AC copper water advisory Hotel Milan musica de Antro a saloon are Casa de cono in English we also recommend that all students are in a minimum of two credits in the Arts into credits in Spanish by end of 10th grade should be on track to graduate in the 11th grade students typically take English 5 and 6 and u.s. history 1 and 2 we also have a fabulous option that integrated Humanities which is too advanced horses AP US History and AP English Language that the students take Algebra 2 2 / trig 1 and 2 or geometry run into action physical education 5 and 6 advisory 5 and 6 and then for elective blocks we have a dance music theater Fitness Spanish English as a new language literacy Global Studies life science and film studies we space money. Boston events at Integra. when we goes or Hamilton NSYNC West advisory sync what you say in the 12th grade are students take English 7 and 8 or advanced placement English government and economics for their history credits forensic chemistry 1 and 2 or advanced placement biology 1 and 2 for science form of AP Computer Science principles AP Statistics run into regular non AP Statistics 1 and 2 and Algebra 2 and trig students also take physical education 7 and 8 and advisors electives for seniors advanced placement Studio Art advanced placement English literacy Global Studies lifestyle film studies senior writing designing your future yearbook and journalism when he did chemistry they or Gonzaga antonym of classes in Informatica or beauty Palace or houses on Starr Avenue statistical Alhambra. Advance Auto RT 8.0 Salud in Tel Aviv I told you want a journalism so the exam sequence our goal is that students are going to enter 12th grade having already passed all of their exams so you can see the the exam that are listed with the red stars on here are the typical 5 that students would take graduation requirements in 10th Grade global history in 11th grade halfway through students take that English Regents for the first time and we have students who then we test so that we can get a nice college-ready score if they don't get it the very first time and the final one for those normal required sequence the u.s. history 1 and 2 earlier that that's if exam is there are many options so if instead of US history of the global history pass one of them you are happy to be really great at science and pasta earth science in 10th Grade then that is fine for geometry with chemistry and algebra exams that can be used as a pathway one of them is Spanish exam so normally that would be taken after three years of studying but students who are needed for Heritage speakers can take it earlier for the Arts commencement exam so can see that normal sequence we take two exams and 9th grade one and tenth grade and then to an 11th grade for the required sequence when you are taking an advanced Regents diploma when you were working toward that you have additional exam so all the others that you see that are in orange and yellow you need to pass those two so it's three total Math exams to Total science exams and understand either Spanish with c Spanish or the Arts exam and the Arts exam you would need 10 credits in that one so if they are really passionate about visual art history get 10 credits exam and if you use that for your Advanced regents around a quarter of our graduates are in Earth's endorsed diploma so whether that's a local diploma a Regents diploma do not pursue Advanced study usually in visual art or in dance sometimes theater next time I see the hand is the sequential song in the window Publix timing on baby. romance novel in examining the hinson's can you tell if you have pneumonia I'm here but I know what strain orange and examined I'll see you tomorrow at 3 on Thursday Alex Amin and Doris Day at Avalon today Los examenes have on Saturday region song English Mathematica science 430 Mundial my area my finishes don't go ahead and examined Espanol almond sorry, and examine melodia credito de Arte so with the waivers and I think his give a little bit of a preview on this so we have to pass the course and if we pass the class then we got a waiver for the exam so when we're talking about living environment we have to pass the fall semester living environment 1 and spring semester with any but I meant to be on this chart are the credits that assume I need to earn in order to get the waiver so most cases only issue credits as you can see life living environment Algebra 1 and 2 moving over to the side chemistry to but her English it is 5:40 so 9th grade English 10th grade English and that first half of 11th grade he saw so we might have Atlanta episode salmon a dragon America double-u Casino Fakemon like Samuel 15 Coronavirus so the wave grade explained has a numeric equivalent of a 65 + 65 is the lowest passing grade you must pass all those credits in the sequence otherwise you don't get a waiver for the exam the state is offering Regents exams in June and there are a few reasons why you might want to take them so the exams are on offer or algebra living environment earth science and English the other exams are not offered a version of the Arts senior citizen apply for our knife there are no exams happening in August so when it comes to making the choice about whether to sit for the exams are few things to consider so first is that that 65 it is a passing score but it is not a college-ready sport about that a little bit the moment and force him to go along along with your horse race what is jungle Scout tell us a little bit about those college-ready exam scores I'll just goes as well offer remedial classes meaning you're taking class how to become college-ready but there is no credito to the gray the student can avoid this by earning college-ready scores on their regions sat and cause work so you can see a college-ready score for CUNY if I'm the English Regents here in a 75 and a map 270 msats you have to break a 500 on each section the critical reading and the math and they also look at how you are performing in your classes as well the last as well as a CUNY champion of reciprocity recuperacion de credito innuendo Antojitos paranoid examenes Regents sat equal sauce so that doesn't mean that we recommend that all of our algebra students so that's all of our ninth graders and some of our 10th graders prepare for take that out of her Regents this year and part of that is because next year you'll be in Geometry that exam is much tougher and some of the material starts it starts to fade from memory timer best prepared so we do recommend trying to get that college-ready score of 70 so that we can avoid needing to take remedial classes in college the same thing applies for 11th graders for English and our students do very well on the English exam 75 is definitely achievable so we would love to see all of our 11th graders and I do miss Mary on he's working very hard to get you ready and so it seems we definitely want to see all of our 11th graders coming in test in June never parents there are you know what the choice is yours so we will have social distancing and place will have windows open we will have very few people within each classroom for but if your child has is running remotely and you're not comfortable having them coming to test they will have another opportunity it just will not be in August because you saw the August advancer mom cancels so won't be until after super senior year I will also encourage all of our living environment of earth science students to test to have the strongest strength as possible and have some valuable practice for future exams and again parents this is this decision to make I want to emphasize that line on the bottom of some green so if your child is learning a waiver earned a waiver nobody's taking that away from you so if you come in to test you got in your waiver and you don't do well on the exam you still have your waiver a process of gravel Pico de notas and so we're going to stop by record because far and person session with families we are ready to take some questions and hopefully give you some answers you know this is a lot of information there's a lot that goes into having a strong transcript experience in high school and we know it is using different rules around the exam waivers so thank you so very much we hope that this has been helpful philosophy on life
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